Provisional GB Type Approval Scheme
This page was last updated on 14th February 2025Since 1 January 2021, the UK has operated a Provisional GB type approval scheme covering motor vehicles to be placed on the market in Great Britain. The Provisional GB scheme is a temporary arrangement intended to enable vehicles to be placed on the market in Great Britain for an interim period until a full GB type approval scheme is available for the vehicle categories in question.
Provisional GB type approvals for motor vehicles, trailers, and agricultural vehicles (M, N, L, O and T categories)
Please note: As of 1st February 2024 it is no longer possible to apply for Provisional GB type approval for M and N category vehicles. Existing Provisional GB type approvals for vehicles of these categories remain valid until the end of their current validity period unless other transition criteria are impacted. Please refer to the Transition to full GB type approval page for more information. Provisional GB type approval applications for vehicles of L, O and T categories remain open.
To obtain Provisional GB type approvals, manufacturers already in possession of an EU type approval (except UK issued ‘e11’ approvals) will need to provide VCA with:
- a list of EU whole vehicle type approvals for vehicle types which they intend to place on the market in GB
- the corresponding (and current) EU type approval certificates
To assist with traceability, Provisional GB Type Approval numbers will be based on the EU type approval number. To differentiate between EU and Provisional GB type approvals the ‘e’ at the beginning of EU type approval numbers will replaced with a ‘p’ for Provisional GB type approvals.
Example of approval number format:
e1*2018/858*02349*00 → p1*2018/858*02349*00
This example represents the progression of a whole vehicle type approval issued in Germany (e1…) through to a Provisional GB type approval (p1…).
The Provisional GB type approval number does not need to be marked on a vehicle or certificate of conformity.
Each successful application for Provisional GB type approval will result in a communication on behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport which specifies their Provisional GB type approval number(s).
The communication will be regarded as the Type Approval Certificate and will contain the following information:
- Provisional GB type approval number(s)
- Validity of at least two years (or less if the EU type approval on which it is based loses validity in the EU before two years has expired)
- A requirement for the manufacturer to notify us at VCA of extensions to the underlying EU type approvals (so that the Provisional GB type approvals can be managed appropriately)
We retain the right to request further documentation or carry out a physical inspection in a case of doubt about the validity of an EU type approval certificate.
Provisional GB type approvals for components
The process to obtain Provisional GB type approvals for components is as per that set out above for other categories but there is some additional information on considerations specific to the application of the Provisional GB scheme to components below.
Replacement components intended for sale in the aftermarket, and which hold an EU approval first issued after 1 January 2023, are subject to the Provisional Scheme. These include components such as spray suppression devices and washer bottles (where not approved as a vehicle system).
Replacement components intended for sale in the aftermarket, and which hold an EU component or STU approval first issued before 1st January 2023, do not require a GB Provisional Approval and can continue to be placed on the GB market. Extensions to these EU approvals after 1 January 2023 are not covered by the Provisional Scheme, and GB approval is not required.
All components fitted on the production line to a vehicle that is covered by an EU Whole Vehicle Type Approval which has been used to obtain a Provisional GB Approval, do not need Provisional component approval.
Similarly, components approved through UNECE Regulations will continue to be accepted in the United Kingdom, and therefore no action is required for the GB Provisional Scheme.
Components located within Great Britain before 1 January 2023 can continue to be sold without any further action as, by definition, they will be approved using an existing EU component approval and are out of scope of the Provisional GB Scheme.
Provisional GB type approvals for engines for non-road mobile machinery (NRMM)
The process to obtain Provisional GB type approvals for NRMM engines is as per that set out above for other categories but there is some additional information on considerations specific to the application of the Provisional GB scheme to NRMM below.
Provisional GB type approval applications for NRMM may be based on either EU or UNECE R96.05 type approvals, though an initial declaration relating to in-service monitoring provisions will be required in the case of UNECE type approvals.
In the case of special purpose engines within scope of Article 34(5,6) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1628, Provisional GB type approval may be based upon UNECE R96.02, R96.03 or R96.04 as per the equivalence provisions set out in Annex XIII of Regulation (EU) 2017/654. In these cases, manufacturers are expected to present evidence as part of their application of reasonable measures taken to ensure that the engine will be used for special purposes as per the exemptions in Article 34(5,6) referenced above.
Legislated replacement engines under Articles 34(7), 58(10) or 58(11) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1628 are considered outside of the scope of the Provisional Scheme. These engines should still be marked with their original approval level as indicated by the relevant Articles of Regulation (EU) 2016/1628 and Annex XIII of Regulation (EU) 2017/654.
Engines for export outside the UK or EU, for the armed forces or which are for field testing, do not need an EU type approval and will not need Provisional GB approval. These engines should be marked as per the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/1628 and Regulation (EU) 2017/656. Field test engines that were first authorised by an approval authority of an EU Member State before 1 January 2023, including extensions to those authorisations after 24 months, do not require further UK approval. We would advise applicants to apply to VCA for authorisation of a field test engine that is to be placed into service after 1 January 2023.
NRMM engines located within the United Kingdom before 1 January 2023 may continue to be sold without provisional approval, even after 1 January 2023.
Application for Provisional GB type approvals
Applications for Provisional GB type approvals are handled through the new VCA Portal. To learn more and register please visit the Portal page.