Approval Fees

This page was last updated on 10th October 2024


The VCA Type Approval Authority will charge the following fees for undertaking approval activities. All Type Approval applications will be subject to a Certification Fee (see Table 1) and a Compliance Review Fee (see Table 2) where VCA issues an approval certificate. The Compliance Review Fee will cover a review of the application against Type Approval legislation, the suitability of the test results and reports, and the status of the Conformity of Production clearance.


Type Approval activities not requiring the issuance of a certificate are subject to the relevant Certification Fee and Administrative Fee (see Table 3).


Please note these fees apply from 1 May 2023 for all new GB and UK(NI) applications and from 5 February 2024 for all new UN applications. The fees are reviewed annually each January with any changes taking effect from 1 April. Value Added Tax (VAT) is not applicable on any of the below fees.


How to use these tables

In most cases, the overall fee charged will consist of:

  1. one value only from the Certification Fee (CF-1 to CF-22) and
  2. one value only from the Compliance Review Fee (CRF-1 to CRF-11)

There is no need to apply more than one value from each of those two fees unless it relates to whole vehicle applications using single step or mixed type approval routes. In these instances, VCA will charge a Compliance Review Fee for each system / component subject submitted and subsequently checked.


The Administrative Fee (AF-1 to AF-6) is a separate fee and is not always required in all applications.


For ease of use, please read the three tables below with the fee pairing table (Table 4).


Please note, the ‘Fee Ref.’ in the first column of each table is an internal VCA reference number; it has been included here to enable ease of identifying the various fee types.


Please note that if you require the invoice in an overseas currency, please contact your local VCA representative for details of how the fees below translate into other currencies and which invoicing currencies are available.


Table 1 - Certification Fees

Fee Ref.Subject / Approval TypeUK Fee GBP (£)
CF-1Whole Vehicle Approval - Base or Extension Certification Fee75
CF-2Whole Vehicle Approval - Base Vehicle Update Letter Certification Fee [see Explanatory Note 1]73
CF-3Whole Vehicle Approval - Revision Certification Fee37
CF-4Whole Vehicle Approval - Correction Certification Fee75
CF-5Whole Vehicle Approval - Type Approval Letter Certification Fee75
CF-6Whole Vehicle Approval - Test Report Only Certification Fee75
CF-7System & Component Approval - Base Certification Fee37
CF-8System & Component Approval - Extension Certification Fee78
CF-9System & Component Approval - Revision Certification Fee37
CF-10System & Component Approval - Correction Certification Fee37
CF-11System & Component Approval - Type Approval Letter Certification Fee37
CF-12System & Component Approval - Test Report Only Certification Fee37
CF-13Type Approval Letter Certification Fee [see Explanatory Note 2]37
CF-14Test report (where no approval is issued) Certification Fee37
CF-15Type Approval Withdrawal Certification Fee78
CF-16GB Provisional Approval - EU Base Certification Fee37
CF-17GB Provisional Approval - EU Extension Certification Fee78
CF-18GB Conversion IVA Certification Fee [see Explanatory Note 3]100
CF-19M1 Enhancement IVA Certification Fee [see Explanatory Note 3]1.10
CF-20N1 Enhancement IVA Certification Fee [see Explanatory Note 3]1.10
CF-21IVA (Not Inspected) Certification Fee [see Explanatory Note 3]125
CF-22IVA (Inspected) Certification Fee [see Explanatory Note 3]250


Table 2 - Compliance Review Fees

Fee Ref.Subject / Approval TypeUK Fee GBP (£)
CRF-1GB / UK(NI) WVTA - M Compliance Fee (including multi-stage)350
CRF-2GB / UK(NI) WVTA - N Compliance Fee (including multi-stage)350
CRF-3Not currently in useN/A
CRF-4Not currently in useN/A
CRF-5GB / UK(NI) WVTA - O Compliance Fee180
CRF-6Whole Vehicle Approval Index Revision Compliance Fee90
CRF-7System & Component Compliance Fee - Level 3 [see Explanatory Note 4]200
CRF-8System & Component Compliance Fee - Level 2 [see Explanatory Note 4]115
CRF-9System & Component Compliance Fee - Level 1 [see Explanatory Note 4]28
CRF-10System & Component Index Revision Compliance Fee90
CRF-11Designated Technical Service Compliance Fee181


Table 3 - Administrative Fees

Fee Ref.Subject / Approval TypeUK Fee GBP (£)
AF-1Type Approval Letter Administrative Fee [see Explanatory Note 2]73
AF-2Test Report Only Administrative Fee73
AF-3Approval Correction (Chargeable) Administrative Fee90
AF-4GB Provisional Administrative Fee73
AF-5Provisional Approval Number Letter Administrative Fee [see Explanatory Note 5]37
AF-6Rework Administrative Fee [see Explanatory Note 6]See note 6


Table 4 - Fee Pairing

Fee Ref.Subject / Approval TypeUK Fee GBP (£)PlusFee Ref.Subject / Approval TypeUK Fee GBP (£)Total Fee GBP (£)
CF-2Whole Vehicle Approval - Base Vehicle Update Letter Certification Fee [see Explanatory Note 1]73+AF-1Type Approval Letter Administrative Fee73146
CF-3Whole Vehicle Approval -
Revision Certification Fee
37+CRF-6Whole Vehicle Approval Index Revision Compliance Fee90127
CF-4Whole Vehicle Approval -
Correction Certification Fee
75+AF-3Approval Correction (Chargeable) Administrative Fee90165
CF-5Whole Vehicle Approval -
Type Approval Letter Certification Fee
75+AF-1Type Approval Letter Administrative Fee73148
CF-6Whole Vehicle Approval -
Test Report Only Certification Fee
75+AF-2Test Report Only Administrative Fee73148
CF-9System & Component Approval - Revision Certification Fee37+CRF-10System & Component Index Revision Compliance Fee90127
CF-10System & Component Approval - Correction Certification Fee37+AF-3Approval Correction (Chargeable) Administrative Fee90127
CF-11System & Component Approval - Type Approval Letter Certification Fee37+AF-1Type Approval Letter Administrative Fee73110
CF-12System & Component Approval - Test Report Only Certification Fee37+AF-2Test Report Only Administrative Fee73110
CF-13Type Approval Letter Certification Fee [see Explanatory Note 2]37+AF-1Type Approval Letter Administrative Fee73110
CF-14Test report (where no approval is issued) Certification Fee37+AF-2Test Report Only Administrative Fee73110
CF-16GB Provisional Approval -
EU Base Certification Fee
37+AF-4GB Provisional Administrative Fee73110
CF-17GB Provisional Approval -
EU Extension Certification Fee
78+AF-4GB Provisional Administrative Fee73151
CRF-11Technical Service Compliance Fee181+CF-7System & Component Approval -
Base Certification Fee
CRF-11Technical Service Compliance Fee181+CF-8System & Component Approval -
Extension Certification Fee


Additional Charges

VCA reserve the right to charge additional fees for specialist work (e.g. AES/BES, cyber security, and software updates). VCA will agree these costs with the customer on a case-by-case basis. Additional charges (not covered by the above tables) will be applied at £89 per hour.


Explanatory Notes

  1. CF-2 is charged alongside the engineer’s time at £89 per hour. This is subject to a minimum charge of £44.50 (or 30 minutes). The total charged will therefore be a minimum of £73 [CF-2] plus £44.50 [30 minutes of engineer’s time] = £117.50, plus £73 [AF-1] = £190.50 total.
  2. CF-13 and AF-1 are used to issue a) Letters of No Concern (LoNC), b) requests to confirm information, c) other ad hoc requests. (This is not an exhaustive list.) These two fees are charged together (e.g., £37 [CF-13] plus £73 [AF-1] = £110 total charge). Where multiple changes are required (e.g. via a LoNC) then a single charge of CF-13 will be levied along with a single charge of AF-1 to cover our initial time. Any additional time is charged at £89 per hour but will reflect the actual time taken, subject to a minimum charge of £22.25 (or 15 minutes).
  3. CF-18 to CF-22 inclusive are not currently applied for via the VCA Customer Portal.
  4. The Compliance Review Fee varies depending on subject complexity; Level 3 subjects are categorised as emissions, sound levels, cyber security, and automated technologies. Level 1 subjects are categorised as Replacement Brake Parts and Tyre Components. Level 2 is all other subjects.
  5. Provisional approval numbers can be requested in advance of the issuing of the Type Approval Certificate where testing is complete, and Conformity of Production is in place. Where provisional approval numbers are required as part of the application process, for example for component approval markings, there will be no charge. Where provisional approval numbers are optional, charges will be applied at £37 for the Provisional Approval Number Letter Administrative Fee plus £89 per hour for the time taken to create the numbers, subject to a minimum charge of £22.25 (or 15 minutes). The total fee will therefore be at least £59.25.
  6. VCA reserves the right to charge a fee to complete rework of applications where they exceed the normal processing time. This fee is charged at £89 per hour but will reflect the actual time taken, subject to a minimum charge of £22.25 (or 15 minutes).

Ref: TAC-E-WE-03 Rev 5