Information Notices on European and UK National Type Approval Legislation
This page was last updated on 5th March 2020This page includes information on current standards for Type Approval and forthcoming legislation. If you would like to access more detailed Type Approval legislation information, you may consider subscribing to the VISTA and Legstat Information Services.
VCA Newsletter on European, UNECE and UK Type Approval Legislation
The VCA Newsletter on European, UNECE and UK Type Approval Legislation (formerly the VCA’s Information Notice) is a bi-monthly publication that summarises news on changes to EC, UNECE and UK National Type Approval Legislation.
VCA Newsletter on European, UNECE and UK Type Approval Legislation – Latest Issue – April 2019
Status of the “1958” Agreement and UNECE Regulations
The 1958 Agreement is an agreement made under UNECE with the objective of establishing uniform standards for vehicles and their components relating to safety, environment, energy and anti-theft requirements. The Regulations adopted under this Agreement are known as UNECE Regulations
Link to the signatories and the status of the UNECE regulations
Status of EU Directive and EU Regulations
EC Directives have to be transposed into National Law. EC Regulations are deemed to apply directly.
The status of this legislation can be viewed by following the EC Automotive Industry link (Europa website)
Information on the ECWVTA Framework Directive
For information including categories of vehicle and enforcement dates, please go our ECWVTA Framework Directive page.