Information for Cars
This page was last updated on 13th February 2020WLTP replaced the NEDC test procedure for establishing the official Fuel Consumption and CO2 emissions of new cars in September 2017, which became mandatory for all new cars (powered by an Internal Combustion Engine) by September 2018.
VCA is the designated UK Type Approval Authority for automotive products and also a designated Technical Service for type approval testing in the United Nations (UN) scheme. VCA is also responsible for certification under UK type approval schemes. Please click…
We routinely publish information about us, which may include: Our spending Our priorities Our decisions Our policies and procedures Information in lists and registers and about our services This section will help you to find that information.
Vehicle Type Approval is the confirmation that production samples of a type of vehicle, vehicle system, component or separate technical unit will meet specified performance standards.
Climate Change is recognised as one of the greatest environmental threats facing the World today and it has long been appreciated by governments that reducing the impact of the motor vehicle has an important part to play in addressing this…
The GB type approval scheme is applicable for manufacturers wishing to place vehicles and components on the market in Great Britain.
Learn more about the different category of power-driven vehicles and trailers.
Conformity of Production (CoP) is a means of evidencing the ability to produce a series of products that exactly match the specification, performance and marking requirements outlined in the type approval documentation. Whether you are a manufacturer, or the agent…
Sometimes you may need a little help from us at VCA. Don’t worry… we’re here for you. If you’re unsure about what to do next, or would like to make further enquiries about our services, then we’d love to hear…
Welcome to the home page for VCA Europe S.r.l., for Type Approval services for industry.
Type Approval enquiries and applications for all schemes must now be made through our self-service portal.
LegStat is an online service that is our radar on proposed and draft legislation. VISTA is an electronic library of EU and UN Type Approval Legislation that is available online.
Our Dangerous Goods Office is the UK authority for the certification of packaging and intermediate bulk containers used for the transport of dangerous goods, in accordance with national and international regulations. We are also responsible for the appointment of suitable…
In the UK, road transport is now the largest source of CO2 emissions.
ULEVs are currently defined as having less than 75 grams of CO2 per kilometre (g/km) from the tail pipe.
Information is provided by manufacturers on a voluntary basis and subject to checks before being published on the New Car Fuel Consumption and Emissions database.
Cookies are files saved on your phone, tablet or computer when you visit a website. We use cookies to store information about how you use the GOV.UK website, such as the pages you visit.
Use this sitemap to easily navigate the Vehicle Certification Agency site. About Us About this site Application for Appointment as an Inspection Body for Tanks and/or Pressure Equipment Blog Careers Direct Entry Graduate Scheme Apprenticeship Scheme Trainee Scheme Applying to…
This service will be of interest to individuals wishing to permanently import a car, motorcycle, or goods vehicle into the UK. All information about making an application is available on the VCA and GOV.UK web-sites. Under the GB Conversion IVA…
This guide lists the fuel consumption, CO2, and other tail pipe emissions performance figures of new cars currently on the market in the UK
The external noise emitted by passenger cars has been controlled since 1929 when the Motor Cars (Excessive Noise) regulations were introduced.
Information on Type Approval for Motor Vehicles and Trailers (M, N & O Categories)
In addition to our Type Approval role, VCA carries out a number of additional certification activities.
This guide contains data on vehicles running on petrol and diesel, as well as alternative fuels, such as Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and hybrid and electric vehicles.
The content of this site has been designed in a logical manner to make it easy for you to find exactly what you are looking for. Following the links from the home page is the recommended way of navigating, but…
Type Approval for Motorcycles (L category)
Type Approval enquiries and applications for all schemes must now be made through our self-service portal.
In addition to providing type approval technical and approval authority services, we can also provide copies of all automotive European Community and UN ECE legislation in a number of ways. The information is available either as ‘one-off’ individual Word or…
The Provisional GB scheme is a temporary arrangement intended to enable vehicles to be placed on the market in Great Britain for an interim period until a full GB type approval scheme is available for the vehicle categories in question.
Emissions of the main air pollutants are regulated by the EU Euro emissions standards, under the vehicle ‘type approval’ process.
Responsibilities of Vehicle Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers.
The European approval scheme is based on the concept of ‘type approval’ and put simply; this process provides a mechanism for ensuring that vehicles meet relevant environmental, safety and security standards.
The Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) is an Executive Agency of the Department for Transport (DfT) offering Type Approval services to the automotive industry in the UK and overseas. Working predominantly with the automotive industry, the VCA processes and holds only…
Information on Type Approval for Tractors – T1 to T4
The Regulation requires that, in order to be first placed on the EU market, engines for use in non-road mobile machinery must be approved to demonstrate compliance with pollutant emission limits.
Welcome to the home page for VCA Australia, for Type Approval services for industry. Type Approval Product Certification services to automotive component and vehicle manufacturers can be supported by a local presence. Products we support include vehicles such as trailers,…
Welcome to the home page for VCA India, for Type Approval services for industry. VCA is the UK Vehicle Type Approval authority and approaching 40 years of experience, supports the global automotive industry by providing internationally recognised testing and certification…
GB Type Approval Scheme Scope and Timings
Complaints and Appeals Procedure Complaints Complaints relating to any of the VCA’s services, activities or personnel are to be sent to the Head of Central Quality, accompanied by a suitable statement giving the grounds for the complaint, as well as…
This section relates to the importation of cars, motorcycles and motorhomes
Dangerous goods (often called hazardous materials in the USA) may be pure chemicals, mixtures of substances, manufactured products or articles which can pose a risk to people, animals or the environment if not properly handled in use or in transport.
We are responsible for granting and maintaining individual Vehicle Special Orders under Section 44 of the UK Road Traffic Act 1988.
Fuel efficient driving or ecodriving is about adopting driving techniques that maximise modern engines’ efficiency. Using less fuel/energy when driving also means that carbon emissions and air pollutants from vehicles are reduced and for electric vehicles it can increase the…
When legislative standards change and new legislation is coming into force, manufacturers may be allowed to place on the market, offer for sale, register and/or enter into service certain vehicles that do not comply with the incoming standards.
Introduction This guide provides details on the administrative requirements of the GB type approval scheme as they apply to whole vehicle, system, and component type approvals. Note – this page does not cover information relating to Conformity of Production (CoP).…
Welcome to VCA North America, the home of Type Approval services in various industries. The Vehicle Certification Agency has been established in North America since 1991, and have our office located in Livonia, Michigan. We have collaborated with numerous manufacturers,…
Please use this form to apply for the Secretary of State’s appointment to undertake the inspection of transportable pressure equipment and/or tanks for the carriage of dangerous goods. We recommend you read the general arrangements for tank inspection bodies…
This frequently asked question (FAQ) page has been produced to address questions raised during communications events held by VCA to outline the structure and requirements of the GB Type Approval Scheme.
Q: Who does the testing? A: Testing is carried out either by independent test organisations, or by the vehicle manufacturers or importers themselves, usually at their own test facilities. In the UK, and before the results are officially recognised, the…
Welcome to the home page for VCA China, for Type Approval services for industry. This is our first office in the People’s Republic of China, offering the full range of Type Approval services to manufacturers across the country. The office…
By 2035, it is estimated that 40% of new car sales will have self-driving capability. To realise this ambition the trialling of this technology and the deployment into all types of vehicles in the marketplace has to be completed safely…
Conformity of Production (CoP) is a means of evidencing the ability to produce a series of products that exactly match the specification, performance and marking requirements outlined in the Type Approval documentation.
Individual Vehicle Approval (IVA) is the process of approving each individual vehicle against national technical requirements.
Dealers are obliged to present a label showing the official fuel consumption and CO2 data for every new car displayed in a showroom or as part of an exhibition
Certificates for Approved Dangerous Goods Packagings are issued on the basis of test reports received from UKAS accredited test stations (for Dangerous Goods Packagings) in the UK.
Under the regulations, packaging must meet or exceed minimum standards of performance before it can be authorised for the carriage of dangerous goods.
Welcome to the home page for VCA Japan, for Type Approval services for industry. VCA is appointed as UK Type approval authority and has supported vehicle industry for more than 30 year to conduct tests and issue approvals for vehicle…
In addition to the technical services provided by VCA at locations around the world, the following organisations have also been designated to carry out testing to the standards listed.
Cookie policy When we provide services, we want to make them easy, useful and reliable. Where services are delivered to the public via the internet, this sometimes involves placing small amounts of information on your device, for example, computer or…
This frequently asked question (FAQ) page has been produced to address questions raised during communications events held by VCA to outline the structure and requirements of the GB Type Approval Scheme.
Information about the collection and processing of average emissions data
We are authorised to designate laboratories to act as Technical Services for testing or supervising testing of vehicles, systems or components, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 1958 Agreement.
Dangerous goods which are transported by road or rail within Great Britain must comply with the requirements of The Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations.
Valid EU type approvals are the principal means of demonstrating compliance with EU type approval requirements as they are applied in Northern Ireland.
We have developed databases listing most of the cars and new vans.
This accessibility statement applies to our Vehicle Certification Agency website, which is owned by the Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA). This website is run by VCA. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website. For…
What is Conformity of Production (CoP) and why is it needed? EU, UNECE, GB and UK(NI) vehicle type approval legislation all require manufacturers to hold Conformity of Production clearance with the approval authority that issue their type approval certification. This…
The VCA Type Approval Authority will charge the following fees for undertaking approval activities.
The VCA Type Approval Authority will charge the following fees for undertaking approval activities.
Learn more on how we measure, collate and present the data.
VCA are actively involved in the development of the provisions for vehicle cybersecurity and cybersecurity management systems.
Information and guidance about the use of the VCA logo
VCA is committed and is actively working to ensure that the tools on this site are usable and accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of disability, capability or technology.
Data Examples GDPR Application File Retention policies Complaints and Appeals Complaints Assessors Privacy & Cookies Accessibility The Civil Service code (opens in a new window)
Please contact us on: Telephone: +44 (0)24 7632 8421 Fax: +44 (0)300 003 2199 Arriving by Car or Motorcycle Parking is available at this office, although it is recommended that you contact your host in advance of the meeting to…
A Certificate of Conformity (CoC) is granted to a product that has met the regulatory, technical and safety requirements required of The Type Approval process.
Welcome to the homepage of VCA Korea Type Approval services for industry. Since November 1999, we have been providing type approval services in Korea. Our experienced engineers are able to provide services that include testing and the issuing of approval…
Accelerate your career at the VCA and help drive a safer, more environmentally friendly future for tomorrow. You can make a difference to society, in the UK and overseas, by joining our dynamic, innovative and inclusive team.
The Government has set out the need for greater transparency across its operations. Data Datasets and underlying data Freedom of Information (FOI) and Environmental Information Regulation (EIR) information Departmental structure Department for Transport (DfT) and non-departmental public bodies (NDPB) structure…
Welcome to the VCA South America webpage. The Brazilian subsidiary was opened in November 2013 by Robert Goodwill, UK, Minister of Transport. It was initially established at the General British Consulate in São Paulo. Then VCA South America moved to…
Since November 2012, the EU Tyre Labelling regulation has required tyre manufacturers and tyre distributors to display a consumer information label on all C1, C2 and C3 tyres.
Information on the transition to full GB type approval
Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information contained on this website is up to date and accurate, VCA cannot accept liability for its accuracy or content. Visitors who rely on this information do so at their own…
Changes to legislation are harmonising the civil traffic enforcement procedures throughout England
The scope and extent of any appointee’s capability should be established by reference to their UKAS schedule of accreditation and/or directly with the body concerned.
Q: Who does the testing? A: Testing is carried out either by independent test organisations, or by the vehicle manufacturers or importers themselves, usually at their own test facilities. In the UK, and before the results are officially recognised, the…
If your business is involved in the supply of new cars in the UK, you must provide certain information under the Passenger Car (Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions Information) Regulations 2001, and the amendment Regulations 2004,2013 and 2018.
Summary This guidance is intended for manufacturers, importers and distributors of motor vehicles in the United Kingdom. One of the options for registering vehicles in the United Kingdom is now the UK(NI) Type Approval Scheme. This has been in place…
Approval Routes To satisfy GBTA emissions requirements for light-duty vehicles, there are planned to be two primary routes available for manufacturers: Option 1 (available now) Manufacturer applies for GBTA on the basis of holding a GB 715/2007 emissions approval (aligned…
We would like to take this opportunity to update you on the proposed GB Scheme CoP requirements.
Note that to follow any of the links shown below, an internet connection is required. Content will open in an Internet browser window. The Vehicle Certification Agency is not responsible for the contents or reliability of the linked web sites…
UNECE type approval is based upon the international 1958 Agreement concerning the Adoption of Harmonized Technical United Nations Regulations for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal…
Should you be dissatisfied with any area of the service that you have received from the VCA then please follow the complaints procedure. If you are dissatisfied with the way the VCA has handled your request for information or with…
This section relates to the importation of small vans or light goods vehicles (N1 Class Vehicles)
Submissions for pooling must be submitted to VCA before 31 December of the first year in which the pool is requested to apply from.
Our sister Agency the Driver Vehicle and Standards Agency (DVSA) is now responsible for processing Heavy goods vehicle imports.
Our annual event which covers a wide range of issues connected with the handling, consigning and transport of dangerous goods.
Arriving by Car or Motorcycle Parking is available at this office, although it is recommended that you contact your host in advance of the meeting to reserve a parking space at the front of the building. Arriving by Bus or…
Information relating to the inspection and testing of LPG, steel and aluminium cylinders.
The regulations require the packaging supplier to provide the user with all the information necessary to enable them to prepare the package for transport in accordance with the approved specification.
This section includes information on current standards for Type Approval and forthcoming legislation.
All manufacturers will be required to hold Conformity of Production (CoP) clearance directly with VCA before they are able to obtain a full GB or UK(NI) Type Approval.
Automated Lane Keeping Systems (ALKS) will be the first commercially available systems designed for passenger vehicles that will enable the driver to safely hand over control to the vehicle.
ZEV mandate The Vehicle Emissions Trading Schemes Order 2023 (Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Mandate) is a world leading legislative framework, designed with vehicle manufacturers to support the UK’s transition to a fleet of zero emission new cars and vans. In…
This phase began during the first quarter of 2022 for the categories M, N, L, and T. For Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM), O and components, these will be introduced during the first three months of 2023. So, what will be…
You have invested a significant amount of time and effort in research, development and testing. After all, it’s your reputation on the line. Any claims you make about engine power and torque are no doubt supported by your own data…
A list of the technical services that require a fee, which provides an overview of the costs involved for each service.
EU Directive 1999/94/EC requires new car fuel consumption and CO2 emissions data to be made freely available to consumers. Car dealers are required to display a label on (or near to) every new car displayed for sale. The label shows…
ShareFile is a Citrix product. It is simple to use, and is being made available to our type approval customers free of charge. Important Note: If you do not have your login details, please contact us through your type approval…
EU, UNECE, GB and UK(NI) vehicle type approval legislation all require manufacturers to hold Conformity of Production clearance with the approval authority that issue their type approval certification. This clearance is needed before granting of the initial approval and must…
Please click here to see our list of approval fees for undertaking approval activities.
VCA South America is an Accredited Technical Service (ATC) to the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), according to the Technical Cooperation Agreement n°6/2015. This authorizes VCA to conduct the technical analysis necessary for compliance certification, perform…
At least once every five years, the certification of each UN approved packaging type must be re-validated.
Terms/explanations What is meant by the term ‘vehicle manufacturer’? The term ‘vehicle manufacturer’ refers to the approval holder as used by the legislation. This is the same for single stage and multi-stage manufacturers. What is the VCA “risk rating” that…
View our costs and charges here
In January 2012, a trial of Longer Semi-Trailers was launched by the Department for Transport (DfT).
This guidance is intended for manufacturers of engines for Non-Road Mobile Machinery and requiring an exemption for field testing of engines in the UK. Regulation (EU) 2016/1628 Regulation (EU) 2016/1628 was retained as GB legislation and the EU version applies…
Please read this section before you begin using the VISTA or LegStat service.
Please read this section before you begin using the VISTA or LegStat service.
Please read this section before you begin using the VISTA or LegStat service.
This guidance sets out how the UK’s type approval regime applies in Northern Ireland
View our Conformity of Production (CoP) price list for New Clearances, Updates to Existing Clearances, and for Meetings.
The UN Testing and Certification Certification System.
Independent Complaints Assessors review complaints made against the Department for Transport, its agencies and other bodies. If you think you’ve been treated unfairly or have received poor service from the Department for Transport (DfT) or one of its agencies or…
Provisional GB Type Approval Scheme Scope and Timings
Aerosol dispensers and small receptacles containing compressed gas (gas cartridges) which are filled, transported or placed on the market in the UK, must pass a leakproofness test before they are offered for carriage.
Please contact us on: Telephone: +44 (0) 1372 226110 Arriving by Car or Motorcycle Limited visitor parking on site by arrangement in advance. Arriving by Bus or Coach The nearest main route bus stop is located near Leatherhead train station.…
GDPR legislation came into force on 25th May 2018. For further information about your rights, please visit the Information Commissioner’s website. How do I find out what information you hold about me? Please write to us at In order to process your…
Independent Complaints Assessors provide independent reviews of how complaints made against the Department for Transport, its agencies and other bodies have been handled. If you think you’ve been treated unfairly or have received poor service from the Department for Transport…
VCA Guidance and Technical Bulletins – Guidance on the Interpretation of ADR Chapter 6.10 for Vacuum Operated Waste Tanks The Department for Transport Dangerous Goods Division (DfT DGD) and VCA DGO have provided their interpretation on a number of issues…
Since April 2007, our Dangerous Goods Office (DGO) has been responsible for operating the UK Certification Scheme.
Bem vindo ao website da VCA South America. A filial brasileira foi aberta em novembro de 2013 por Robert Goodwill, Ministro de Transportes do Reino Unido. Inicialmente estabelecida no Consulado Geral Britânico de São Paulo, a VCA South America se…
We received your message and will get back to you as soon as possible.
The fuel cost of driving 10,000 miles is calculated using the combined fuel consumption figure and the respective average fuel figures. The fuel figures used are those published by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and appear on…
The following are some of the types of data held by the VCA. Note that this list is not exhaustive. In all cases the VCA has explained the lawful basis for processing your information. Where there are other legislative requirements…
VCA has worked alongside the Maltese government to develop a scheme whereby second-hand cars due for export from Japan to Malta are inspected at source prior to shipping, so ensuring that the quality of used vehicles entering Malta is properly…
The information provided by VCA is only a guide. When determining tax on first registration, it is the CO2 figure shown on the registration certificate (V5C) that will determine the amount of tax payable; A new car is one that…
VCA has worked alongside the Maltese government to develop a scheme whereby second-hand cars due for export from Japan to Malta are inspected at source prior to shipping
欢迎来到VCA中国代表处主页, 我们为业界提供型式认证服务。
Annual Reports and Accounts Our annual reports and accounts review our business activities over the course of the year. It provides highlights of projects and the progress that we have made in meeting our objectives. Annual Report and Accounts 2023-2024…
In October each year, registered holders of Dangerous Goods Packaging Certificates will receive an invoice for the renewal of their approval(s) for 12 months commencing 1st January the following year.
The Dangerous Goods Office team offer specialist training courses which can be undertaken on your premises.
Certain dangerous goods may be carried in bulk in containers that have been approved in accordance with the Convention on Safe Containers
We are authorised to designate laboratories to act as Technical Services for testing or supervising testing of vehicles, systems or components, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 1958 Agreement.
This page lists full and partial responses to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) . The following page has more information on how to make an FOI request. Documents available: The…
As they become available, retention policies for different departments within VCA will be available here. Departments Retention Policies within VCA: Subject VCA department Retention policy available here? Where “Yes”, click to find do out more Financial Information Finance and Resourcing…
Specifies the categories of information that the VCA publishes and how to get that information. Contents About this publication scheme Feedback and complaints about the scheme Classes of information General enquiries regarding VCA publications The Freedom of Information…
All information held on this area of the site is for use by both the media, and any other individual or organisation free of charge. Crown Copyright rules apply. For more general information about VCA, please see our About VCA page. Media Contacts…
A control plan is the documented description of those procedures, checks or assigned activities necessary to verify that production units continue to conform to the type approval requirements with regard to specification, marking and performance. The aim of the control…
Take it up a gear with our world-class Graduate Scheme to become an Incorporated or Chartered Engineer. See first-hand the impact you can make on the future of automotive safety and compliance, working alongside industry experts and manufacturers in the…
Hello and Welcome, As Head of Statutory Operations, I wanted to share what my department does, what our future looks like, and why VCA is a great place to work. But don’t take my word for it; further down, some…
The following is a list of some of the work areas that VCA often gets asked about but are either managed by other areas within the Department for Transport, or are otherwise questions that VCA cannot assist with. If the…
Please contact us on: Telephone: 0300 3305797 Arriving by Car or Motorcycle Parking is available at this office. There is a car park at the front and rear of the reception area, with onsite parking throughout the facility. Arriving by…
VCA are responsible for a small number of enforcement and research roles within the United Kingdom. Accountability for Regulator Impact (ARI) scheme The Accountability for Regulator Impact (ARI) scheme is one of a number of measures, intended to make improvements to the…
Arrangements for the appointment of bodies for tank inspection may be found HERE (PDF) Applicants must be accredited to EN ISO17020:2012, “General Criteria for the Operation of Various Types of Bodies Performing Inspection”, by the United Kingdom Accreditation service (UKAS)…
It takes an extensive team of people to deliver our work, all playing a key role to realise our mission and goals. If you share our values, in an organisation you will be valued and make a real difference, we…
Achieve success with a VCA apprenticeship and earn while you learn. Benefit from on-the-job experience and training with speciality experts, whilst working towards a nationally recognised qualification.
The personal information you have provided in this form has been provided to allow VCA to process your application. Details of how this data will be handled, stored and used can be found in our “Privacy Notice” (please follow the…
Take it up a gear with our world-class Graduate Scheme to become an Incorporated or Chartered Engineer. See first-hand the impact you can make on the future of automotive safety and compliance, working alongside industry experts and manufacturers in the…
We are now accepting End of Series applications for requirements coming into force on the 1st of January 2025 within Great Britain and Northern Ireland. To apply for End of Series, please populate the application form, VIN list and Annex…
Coming soon.
VCA have a statutory obligation as the Type Approval Authority to assess and approve emissions strategy documentation in relation to GB type approvals for light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles under retained regulations (EC) 715/2007 and (EC) 595/2009 respectively. This strategy documentation,…
Applying to the Vehicle Certification Agency When applying to the VCA, we’ll assess your experience, as well as your strengths, and will give you the best opportunity to showcase these. Current Vacancies Application and selection process Summary of processMaking an…
If you have a basic knowledge and experience in automotive engineering, why not fast-track your career with our trainee scheme. Learn the role of our engineers as they teach you the skills and requirements to become competent in our area…
We are now accepting End of Series applications for requirements coming into force on the 1st of January 2025 within the UK. To apply for an End of Series, please populate the application form and VIN list below and send…
Provisional GB Type Approval Scheme Costs
Benvenuti in VCA Europe S.r.l.
Trialling of automated vehicle technologies and services on public roads and in public places falls under the Code of Practice for Automated Vehicle Trialling. This is split into automated vehicle trialling and vehicle authorisations and exemptions for more complex CAV trials.
Information on provisional approval for vehicles with special features
Frequently asked questions relating to the Provisional GB scheme have been grouped alongside those relating to the full GB and UK(NI) type approval schemes. Please refer to the GB type approval scheme FAQs page here.
The work we do takes an incredible community of people, with different skills, backgrounds, cultures and identities, which is why it’s important to us all colleagues are offered equal opportunities across VCA.
Subject CoP Requirements Regulation Inspection Type Frequency Control Noise 51 1 1 per year IVXX1 2 1 per month Emissions 83 1 1 per month IVXX2 2 1 per month 4 100% Audible Warning 28 1 1 per Year…
Date of Application Title of Eco Innovation Applicant VCA Decision July 2021 12V efficient charging through intelligent control of hybrid vehicle recuperated kinetic energy for use in hybrid powered passenger cars (M1) and light commercial vehicles (N1) Link to…
GB Conformity of Production (CoP) workshop 2021 A big thank you to everyone who recently attended our online and face-to-face CoP workshops. It was a great opportunity for us to highlight the Conformity of Production requirements for the GB Type…
Job request
Changes to legislation have harmonised the civil traffic enforcement procedures throughout Wales (English)
Phase Two of GB CoP implementation is an initial assessment which consists of a scoping meeting. This will need to be completed before a GB Type Approval is required, which will either be because a new approval is needed after…
Manufacturers continue to be able to apply for a niche volume or small volume derogation from the overall CO2 emission target. To ensure that manufacturers continue to qualify for the same style of derogation that they have previously qualified for…
You may use and re-use the information featured on this website (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. We encourage users to establish hypertext links to this website. Any…
Conformity of Production (CoP) Workshops 2021 Questions and Answers
VCA are now accepting expressions of interest from prospective Technical Services for the following GB type approval Regulations: Whole Vehicle Type Approval (not including NSSTA or IVA) (2018/858) Space for Mounting & Fixing Rear Registration Plates (1003/2010) Towing Devices (1005/2010)…
CO2 emissions from new passenger cars registered in the UK (2021) in accordance with Regulation 2019/631 as amended 2021 Provisional data from new passenger cars (XLSX) 2021 Provisional data from pools for new passenger cars (XLSX) CO2 emissions from new light…
Following the activity that has taken place in Phase One (application) and Phase Two (initial assessment), this clearance method will need to become a regular exercise, for both new and existing VCA CoP holders. In the future, we will conduct…
Details on the requirements for CoP are contained in Annex IV of EU Regulation 2018/858 and Schedule 1 of E/ECE/TRANS/505 for ECE Regulations. GB and UK(NI) legislation currently refer to the aforementioned legislation for CoP. These two pieces of legislation,…
The new UK heavy duty vehicle CO2 emissions regulations came into force as of 1 January 2021. Two Statutory Instruments (SIs) are currently in force alongside the retained EU Regulations – SI 2019/846 and SI 2020/1402. The VCA…
The following manufacturers have been granted a UK derogation in accordance with Article 10(1)(c) of Regulation 2019/631 from the specific emissions targets calculated in accordance with part A, points 1 to 4 of Annex I to that Regulation for the…
As part of the government’s transparency agenda, the Vehicle Certification Agency publishes all ICT contracts above £10,000 in value that have been awarded since 1 July 2010. ICT contracts are one or all of the following: a good or service…
(Separate System Control Plans must also be in place) CONTROL DESCRIPTION AREA RESPONSIBLE FREQUENCY ACCEPTANCE STANDARDS FORM OF RECORD RESPONSIBILITY FOR FOLLOW-UP ACTION Comparison of initial order, engineering spec, build spec, bill of materials, with type approval cert & C.O.C.…
Manufacturers continue to have the opportunity to pool their registrations together and, for the purposes of calculating a CO2 emissions target and calculating performance against that target, be considered as one entity. Manufacturers should note that pooling arrangements have not…
Changes to legislation have harmonised the civil traffic enforcement procedures throughout Wales (Cymraeg)
Preparation of plans, the structure and amount of detail included within the above framework, rests entirely with the manufacturers (and not the assembly plants), in relation to their own particular circumstances. For example: the format of the Control Plan is…
We will accept CoP data used to demonstrate compliance to EU Type Approval where the vehicle specification and technical requirements are the same. We will also require access to the data direct from the manufacturer. We are not asking for…
Both EU regulations (which are adopted currently for GB / UK(NI) law and ECE regulations mandate control plans for each subject. Annex IV paragraph 3.2 of EU Regulation 2018/858 states: 3.2. Before granting a type-approval pursuant to this Regulation and…
As informações pessoais fornecidas neste formulário objetivam permitir que a VCA processe sua solicitação de serviços. Detalhes de como esses dados serão tratados, armazenados e usados podem ser encontrados em nosso “Aviso de Privacidade” (siga o link). Se você não…
Manufacturers will continue to be able to receive ‘credits’ for Eco Innovations (EI) – vehicle technologies that reduce CO2 emissions when the vehicle is in use on the road but that may not be taken into account during the traditional…
Due to technical issues, the latest version of the data is not currently available. You will be aware that for some years, VCA has provided this facility for users who would like to download the car fuel and CO2 database…
उद्योग के लिए टाइप स्वीकृति सेवाओं के लिए, वीसीए इंडिया के होमपेज पर आपका स्वागत है।
Heavy-duty emissions and CO2 requirements within GB type approval are based on retained Regulation (EC) 595/2009 and its implementing regulations, Regulation (EU) 582/2011 and Regulation (EU) 2017/2400. These regulations set out the requirements for measurement of emissions, and CO2 and…
Solicitacao de servicos
COMPANY: XYZ Company Ltd PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Passenger Car TYPE APPROVAL SUBJECT: All system Regulations and Whole Vehicle approval issued by VCA SPECIFIC COP TEST REQUIREMENTS: Applicable requirements indicated on subject plans or addressed by XYZ company procedure PC-123 SITE OF…
Certain elements, critical to COP in the type approval context, are not necessarily covered by the control plan as defined above. control of change, so that for example, alternative suppliers or revised specifications are not introduced before the type approval…
Executive summary of the application TITLE OF THE INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY 12V efficient charging through intelligent control of hybrid vehicle recuperated kinetic energy for use in hybrid powered passenger cars (M1) and light commercial vehicles (N1) CONTACT DETAILS Applicant’s name ACEA…
The arrangements outlined above both satisfy the respective legislative responsibilities and enable VCA to build confidence in the overall control of the type approved product to be issued with an approval certificate. Manufacturers will be requested to propose their own…
Following the three phases to obtain a CoP GB Scheme approval, an annual or quarterly meeting will need to continue, together with on-site audits and remote audits. All this will depend on risk as evaluated by us and will follow…
EU Regulation 2018/858 Annex IV paragraph 3 requires the authority issuing an approval to monitor the manufacturer’s conformity controls. That section and the clauses in some of the individual regulations also require the authority – when not satisfied with the…
Sometimes you may need a little help from us at VCA Europe S.r.l. Don’t worry… we’re here for you.
Summary Information Title of the Innovative Technology: 48V Integrated Starter Generator (ISG) with efficient alternator function for use in hybrid powered passenger cars (M1) and light commercial vehicles (N1). Contact Details ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Graf-von-Soden-Platz 1, 88046 Friedrichshafen, GERMANY Summary…
Summary Information Title of the Innovative Technology: Smart Diesel Fuel Heater Contact details: Stellantis N.V. The Corporate Seat of Stellantis N.V. is situated in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and its Corporate Office is in Lijnden (The Netherlands), Singaporestraat 92, 1175 RA.…
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VCA Europe S.r.l. has its base in Italy and aims to provide class leading type approval testing and inspection services to EU and UNECE standards.