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Car fuel data, CO2 and vehicle tax tools Disclaimer

This page was last updated on 9th March 2020

The data available through the “Car fuel data, CO2 and vehicle tax tools”, was compiled by the Vehicle Certification Agency, an Executive Agency of the Department for Transport.

Information is provided by manufacturers on a voluntary basis and subject to checks before being published on the New Car Fuel Consumption and Emissions database.  Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information contained on this site is accurate, the Vehicle Certification Agency cannot accept liability for its accuracy. Users of this data do so at their own risk.

It should be noted that as the fuel consumption figures quoted are obtained under specific test conditions, they may not be achieved under ‘real world’ driving conditions. However, the figures serve as a means of comparing models of a similar type. From 1 September 2017, the new Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) came into force. Click here to read more about WLTP.

Because of the nature of testing procedures, the type approval emissions figures (shown by clicking on ‘vehicle details’ from the search results) should be treated with caution and specifically should not be used to rank a number of vehicles for which similar figures are quoted.

Other regulated pollutants

Unlike the CO2 and fuel consumption figures the figures for other pollutants should not be used to directly compare different models of vehicle. The figures for emissions of these pollutants are indicative rather than absolute, and emissions of these pollutants will vary within an acceptable range between individual production vehicles for each model. For this reason the air pollutant emissions performance of specific models of car should only be compared based on the Euro standard to which they are approved.

Vehicle Tax

The rates shown within the tools have been taken from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) V149 document which is published annually. While the tools give an indication of the amount of vehicle tax you will be asked to pay, they are provided for information purposes only. Before purchasing, you are advised to check with either the dealer, or with DVLA to find out exactly how much vehicle tax you will be asked to pay for the specific vehicle you are interested in.

DVLA Vehicle Enquiry Tool

If the car has already been registered with the DVLA, you can use the enquiry tool on the GOV UK website to search for a specific vehicle and find out exactly what the CO2 figure is. This in turn will allow you to then find out how much vehicle tax you will be asked to pay. The tool also gives other specific information about the vehicle, including the MOT expiry date where applicable.

In order to use this service you will need the make and registration number.

Use the Vehicle Enquiry tool

All enquiries regarding the tax rate for your vehicle should be directed to the DVLA – contact DVLA

Euro standards

While the Car fuel data, CO2 and vehicle tax tools provide the Euro standard for cars that were, or are currently on sale, if you are trying to find out the Euro standard for a vehicle that has already entered into service then this information should be used with caution. VCA strongly recommends that you contact the manufacturer direct who will be able to provide you with this information based on the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).