Bodies appointed to inspect road and rail tanks in the UK

This page was last updated on 24th May 2024

The inspection bodies listed below are appointedby the competent authority of the UK to undertake certain functions in accordance with the Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2009 (as amended)
The scope of inspection that each body may undertake is defined by the most recent Schedule of Accreditation to be recognised by the VCA. In most (but not all) cases this will be the latest revision published on the UKAS website, The status of recognition may be checked with the VCA  (

Inspection Body Website APPOINTED FOR
OLD Tanks
UK Tanks
ADR and/or RID Tanks
(excluding tanks for Class 2 )
ADR and/or RID Tanks for Class 2 IMO & IMDG Tanks
Adler and Allan Ltd Yes Yes No No
British Engineering Services Limited Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hartford Steam Boiler UK Ltd. No Yes Yes Yes
LRQA Verification Ltd. Yes Yes Yes Yes
McPherson Ltd. Yes Yes No Yes
SGS UK Ltd Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tank Testing Services (Irl) Ltd N/A. Tel: +44 (0)2837 551192 Yes Yes No No
Tank Testing UK Ltd Yes Yes No No
Tanksafe Solutions Ltd Yes Yes No No
UK Road Tanker Inspections Ltd Yes Yes No Yes

Tank Inspection Bodies DGF-21a, Rev 8