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Brazil National Environment Homologation

VCA South America is an Accredited Technical Service (ATC) to the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), according to the Technical Cooperation Agreement n°6/2015. This authorizes VCA to conduct the technical analysis necessary for compliance certification, perform and/or witness tests and inspections required for vehicles or engine certification, national or imported production, according to the regulations of PROCONVE and PROMOT.

The Program Control of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles (PROCONVE) and the Program Control of Air Pollution by Motorcycles and Similar Vehicles (PROMOT) were created by the National Environmental Council (CONAMA) and coordinated by IBAMA. These programs set deadlines and maximum emissions requirements in accordance with CONAMA resolutions.

Requests for approval should be directed to VCA South America through an online system managed by IBAMA, called INFOSERV. After the technical analysis by VCA South America, a technical report is sent to IBAMA and they are responsible for issuing the License for Use of Vehicle or Engine Configuration (LCVM).

To find out more visit the sites below or contact:

Important Links:

IBAMA website (opens in a new browser window)

PROCONVE/PROMOT (opens in a new browser window)

CONAMA resolutions (opens in a new browser window)

INFOSERV system (opens in a new browser window)